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KPMG Interior

Case Study

KPMG – 10 Years of moves and changes

Delivering moves and support for sustainable value

KPMG are a large-scale company that employs over 200,000 people. It has three lines of services: financial audit, tax, and advisory.

In 2008 Premier Workplace Services, a leading workplace change service provider, now owned by Crown Workspace, began working closely with KPMG to support the organisation in managing the dynamic estates. This included the changing workplace demands, delivering the moves, changes and support services to keep them operational across their entire UK estate.

The relationship is strengthened through us understanding the commercial dynamics of the KPMG operational model and developing a strategy that delivers continuous and sustainable value through driving innovation and transparency.

Full Support and Services Delivered

Our integrated services provided a complete and sustainable solution for KPMG. This involved a dedicated Move Management team to support KPMG Project Managers to implement all move and change activities across the entire estate.

The moves and changes service offering has continued to develop from the original offering and we now support this UK-wide account in an increasing number of different ways including:

  • Management and delivery of moves for the entire estate (29 sites, 16,000+staff)
  • A full-time events team to manage all meeting room, presentation suites and board room and conference rooms, as well as logistics requests for furniture and repairs
  • Decommissioning / re-commissioning and cleaning of IT, printers and telephones
  • Remanufacturing and refurbishment of office furniture to support site sustainably
  • Refurbishment of workstations, which included deep cleaning screens, desktops, and pedestals
  • Storage and management of KPMG’s furniture stock to support projects, reuse and other assets
  • Comprehensive clearance, re-sale and recycling of redundant furniture
  • Sustainable furniture management and clearance solution
  • IT relocation support including comms units, server blades, CPU’s, UPS’ etc
  • Internal refurbishment projects

“Crown Workspace are always flexible and responsive in how they support our business operations and are completely dependable – they have never let us down.

We have had 10 years of service excellence and yet they are always seeking to improve their services to support the changing workplace.”

Head of Space Management, KPMG

To find out more about our moves, changes and support services, and how we can help you with your workspace move, get in touch.